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KTZ is a tricky hero with a lot of specific chain combos that you need to understand well to play him at all. All you need to know about every build and talent for Kelthuzad! Lots of Kelthuzad specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Kelthuzad Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



I'm loving all of these guides fan thank you. Looking forward to trying ktz with these tips. Any chance you could prioritize based on tier instead of alphabetical? I'm winning a lot with valla and I want to get even better with her. Regardless I appreciate your work on this, very helpful


Great guide once again. Thank you Fan :)


Im already halfway through so switching now would be confusing to people unfortunately, but I definitely recommend the positioning and targetting guides, especially for ranged DPS if you haven't seen those yet. Those should help a lot with valla until the valla guide.


Man, I wish KTZ chains still worked on enemy buildings..I don't think it was that busted. Was it? Also, some niche cases for chains: they work on enemy pilot-able objectives (DK & Foundry) & unstoppable/protected targets as potential starting latches/pseudo moving glacial spikes. Some niche cases for shade, is that the shade will do Q no matter how far you are, this lets you net some kills with proper positioning, timing and enemy mistakes. Also, can be used to stall channeling objs safely.


Those are good tips! The comments section is for others to add any tips they can think of so always good to see multiple perspectives