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If you want to see a real game example of how to use Imperius and what things you should be looking out for, I talk about some of them in this Grandmaster game that I played with Imperius!


Javier Aguirre

Im quitting this game and all related, I invested 5 days watching the tutorials trying to follow up every recommendation, and I have lost I think 24 games in a row, I think I need to dedicate my time to something else, I wasnt born to be good at mobas.


This is actually pretty normal, since you are trying to adapt your playstyle and learn something new, you likely will get worse before you get better. Improvement never happens as fast as we want it to. Think about learning to ride a bike, when you first start learning you will be falling down the most. The improvement happens with effort after that.


Thank you for the guides Sensei! :)

Mikołaj Sokołowski

Any tips on how to hit Qs in melee range? I always jump over the enemies, whereas enemy imperi(a) can stab me without ever missing


I would recommend you turn on normal cast to see the indicator. There is a spear shaped part of the indicator which is where your spear will connect. Go to try mode and practice it on the target dummies, you basically need to have your mouse right next to your hero for it to hit.