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The much awaited Illidan Guide! All you need to know about every build and talent for Illidan! Lots of Illidan specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Illidan Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!


Alex Ivanyuk

Thank you for the guide, Fan. The problem I have with @Friend or foe@ is that allies a lot of the time do not expect you to jump on them and stay out of range apart from similar situations with bw or kharazim. As for blocks, the other drowback for me is lack of sustainability. With any other talent on lvl 4 you can go lane or camp and get your health to full, but with blocks it is not possible.


This is a problem that diminishes as you climb; obviously teammates who monitor their allies' (and opponents') talent picks will be more useful. Best thing you can do is just say it at the beginning of the game; that's what I do when I'm in QM or guesting with low-MMR teams. "Heads up, I can jump to you with my Q" is enough to get most people to at least *try* to pay attention, and that's really all you can expect. Beyond that, just accept that your leash is a little shorter if your allies aren't as good; that's true of most heroes.


With friend or foe I find typing helps that situation you listed a lot, just tell them at start of game you are going friend or foe and can jump to allies, they will usually play around it much more. Block does have far less sustain thats true, even with block you still have basic atk lifesteal from your passive but it will be slower.


Thank you for the new guide Fan! It's great!

Sean Ryan

@fanhots what build do you recommend for beginner Illidan's. Any other pointers for not dying every time Illidan dives? Even when CC is down I find I get focused instantly.


Well if you have problems with teamfighting it might be good to go battered assault and just try to keep practicing teamfight until you get a better hang of it. Going in after your tank usually helps, going in after CC is down, and using evasion right after you go in also helps. Your Q and W are both mobility and should be used to dodge things whenever possible. Picking illidan into mostly physical damage will help you survive more as well, he is not great into magic dmg.