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All you need to know about every build and talent for Hogger! Lots of Hogger specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! We will cover all of Hogger builds and how to think about your spins in order to master them, as well as many other tips for Hogger combos! There will also be a Hogger Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



Thank you for the guide once again Fan :)


W7 actually has some merit in the standard build as well since if you do it right, it gives you better waveclear so you don't have to use your escape tool: if you drop your dynamite in front of the meelee minions and then Q, you push the wave into the split up dynamite and since there's some overlap you get quite a bit of damage on the wave. Imo, using WQ to poke/stack is mostly a trap though since you really want to use your Q to combo and blow up somebody and W has a shorter CD than Q anyway. Shockwave can be quite fun since especially after 16 you can just oneshot any squishy if you get a proper DQ-R-W-E combo on them. Do you ever consider trash fire on 7 for the synergy with Hoardapult? If you engage with R and use D it can be quite some damage and it also helps you clear mercs even faster. No clue if the slow is meaningful enough to halp hit D-Q combos though. And something you didn't mention but I find important to remember: your Q gives rage for any enemy stunned, so Q-ing the minion wave into a wall or your D nicely builds up rage. Thanks as always for the guide, Fan!


Yeah good point on the Shockwave combo, I might have forgotten to demonstrate that in the video but I think everyone can see pretty clearly how to do it. Like you said (DQ-R)-W-E is the order with DQ and R being interchangeable and it does 1 shot squishies. Problem is its only a reliable hit if you are right next to them. Trash fire is a decent talent, I don't think its bad but like I mentioned I think the best skill hogger has by far is the spin so having more spins is better than anything else. Rage management is also very important like you said, always want full rage in teamfights so using Q or E on minion waves to gather rage and the passive 1 is a good way to do so if you aren't full rage, agreed.


Just a few things extra to add: - The knockback from hoardapault means it can be used as an interrupt for stationary channel abilities, so it can be used as a mosh interrupt (and ravenous spirit, holy word: salvation, etc) - W can be used as setup for the D+Q combo to make it easier to hit as the W will slow the enemy so they can't move as far during that short delay on loot hoard materialising as terrain - Walls can be used to extend the Hogg Wild effect when escaping, so instead of using E directly back to safety it can sometimes be more effective to bounce off a wall at a wide angle toward safety. (Apologies if that doesn't make complete sense, difficult to articulate that in a comment) - Spell power reduction on Pummel 13 will of course reduce healing by 50%, so it can be really effective to target burst healers such as Rehgar that are about to use Ancestral etc. - The bonuses from Pummel 13 talent do not apply to the No Control 20 Hogg Wild, so it can be best to E over enemies before casting No Control to ensure their spell power is reduced and they cannot burst you down as fast once you start No Control spinning


Great video for a hero that has a ton of nuance Something I didn't realize for the longest time about Hoardapault is that it has a directional mechanic to it similar to things like lorenado and null gate, which determines which side of the loot hoard that Hogger lands on. It's not super intuitive since the directional part is tied to Hogger's facing after the cast, but he is always facing the loot hoard (like Zeratul's old vorpal). So like if you're casting hoardapault to the right but do a directional drag of down, Hogger will end the cast on the top side of the loot hoard (facing down). Really helpful for setting up body blocks or having ideal positioning when splitting up the enemy team. Another small thing is that his spin has an acceleration to it before hitting max velocity, but he gets to max velocity as soon as he bounces off a wall. So if you're fighting an enemy near a wall, bouncing off of that into them will ramp your damage and move you quicker than going through them. It's not actually that useful in most fights since good angles are usually more important, but it can be nice to know when chasing down stragglers

Karl Roschinsky

I use Garbage Fire often whenever my job is to outsoak the enemy offlaner (Towers of Doom e.g.). I can clear a wave pretty much instantly with DQ-W without using my escape/E since it usually doesn't take long until the enemy team tries to gank me. Safety first. I have about 1.500 games with Hoggi in Diamond/Ranked and I generally achieve the highest damage with [T3231213,hogger] (first build but with Garbage Fire). The kill pressure at the beginning of a fight is higher than with Seeing Red, but since you don't have that sweet CDR it might not be as suited for long drawn out brawls. Still, the backline and insta kill pressure is unmatched I'd say. I use Seeing Red whenever I can freely AA and don't have to fear a Mura or Dia in my face all the time. After all Hoggers AA dmg is amongst the Top 10 in the game. I would always recommend to play W build together with On the Prowl. Nothing beats free guaranteed regeneration. But I only play W when I cannot freely dive (maybe they have Garrosh and we have a lot of poke like Hammer on our team) so I pretty much got outdrafted and need to adapt. It's definitely his weakest build.