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In this video we will be talking about Priority, or Prio. Pro Players in HOTS, DOTA & League all use this concept every single match and it is one of the essential concepts of higher level play in any MOBA!

This video will also be released to Youtube sometime later as a 1-time free Patreon demo video for people on Youtube to get a sense of the videos available on Patreon!


Ken Q

This used to be called TEMPO back in the HGC days.


Hey Fan, insane new concept thank you very much. I have two questions. First, how do you recover from a non-priority status? Do just have to accept you will lose the first camp races and objectives and soak while the enemy team is doing these other stuff? Or is there any other way that we might not think about? Enlighten me master. Second, imagine a Battlefield of Eternity game, both teams are level 14 or so and this is the second or even third immortal. In lower elos ppl tend to not go soak and immediatly go to the objective meaning I usually win on this because they miss one to two minion waves of soak. I this correct? Since I want to get level 16 I wanna soak it for my team, but the immortal is kinda strong so should I give this soak to fast the race? Did I get priority because they lost the soak, or did I just deny the soak but I lost the ability to be there before hand? I don't understand well enough this situation in terms of what is my advantage, what is their advantage and am I right, wrong, or even for whom is this situation better? Thank you for your time to read my questions. And no it's your mom Madge. c:

Hsinyi Kuo

Never realized or noticed why 5 heroes gather in the main lane in the beginning until now. Will start paying attention to the flow on each game you play. Very interesting!


Usually the best way to recover is to get a pickoff somewhere or win the fight even though you get to it later but your odds of doing that without priority are much lower than the other team. You can always choose to miss some soak to get to a fight at the same time but its higher risk, if you lose that fight you fall even further behind. BOE objective is one of the only ones where OBJ is more important than soak so you don't have to get every wave of soak during OBJ. Usually winning the immortal nets you more exp than missing 1 or 2 waves of soak on that map.


Ah I see. So we should try to find a good pick if it ever appears and not miss that kill or give up some soak for the sake of a better position making it a little bit more probable to win the fight. Thank you for the replay :)


Just joined..Im kinda tired of SL long ass ques and randos. I am trying out for some NGS teams, nothing too serious, but I do want to be competitive. How do I explain these concepts in a way that isnt too overbearing?


Hmm well you if you understand it you can just simplify it however much you want. At the most basic level, the team that clears first gets to rotate first which means they get first move on doing the next move which is obviously a big advantage.