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All you need to know about every build and talent for Blaze! Lots of Blaze specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! Blaze is one of the heroes where there are tricks to know for every single one of his abilities! If I missed anything feel free to ask in comments section.



Wow I didn't know Blaze went to the same dance school as Lucio. Wall ridin' !! Thanks for the guide Fan <3


Hell yeah, love Blaze! I'm a Blaze main and will definitely try out the wall ride tech in teamfights, thanks a lot! Regarding the AA slow oil on 7: you said that it only slows while the enemy is on it, but it say "slows for 3 seconds" so it should actually persist for 3 seconds after the leave the oil which makes it pretty insane. And a last thing about waveclear: if you can, try and hit the whole minion wave with your Q before it clashes with yours and is still lined up. Q is also great to snipe towers while laning :D


Hi! Can you explain the offlane blaze talent build besides levels 1 and 4? I know its the auto attack talents at those levels, but what about the later talents?