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Not sure who you should be hitting in teamfights? I explain who to target in teamfights and why, and what you should be considering every step of the way!



Great examples! Who to target is something that is constantly on my mind right now. In the Mephisto clip, I thought you were going to land the constant explosion tech and absolutely delete 3 squishies.


Hello! How about tanks? I have watched Garosh's video, but it would be excellent to watch a detailed guide for other tanks. Some need to soak like Johanna others hide in the bush. Love your work Fan


Hey professor Fan! I have a question. When you say "Right now it's not safe to hit any enemy hero". Is this because your basic attack or even ability range is too short because ir enters the enemy's tank range of engage? Or is it because your tank is not giving you the space necessary to even hit the enemy tank? Or even both of this? How to you conclude in your mind what is safe or not, is it just pure instinct of risk, or do you also have some analysis process? Loved the video, keep up some more!!


What time in the video are you referring to? Need a timestamp to give you a more accurate answer


Around 13.00min where you decide to hit the globe minion for example. Is that choice purely because the globe is more valuable like you said in the video, or is it because you can't hit the tank so the next best target is the globe minion? Asking, because in lower ranks where I play, I often feel like I don't have the space necessary to even hit their tank. For exemple I'm a Sylvanas and I need to enter the Muradin's hammer range if I want to hit the Muradin itself but I don't have enough teammates in front of me. So my question was to try to understand what goes in your mind to think "Oh, this isn't safe, won't eventry to hit the hero even, might as well just get the globe". Hope it was clear enough this time :D


Yeah its a mix of both, first if you go back a few seconds in that clip you'll notice the enemy minion wave was hitting me so if I keep chasing I will be tanking entire minion wave while overextending which is a bad damage trade for me. Second is what you said basically, chasing that far without my team is very risky so it is hard to hit the tank there if I keep chasing. In your example, if you think a muradin stun will result in you dying, then yeah you should not hit him.


Ahh I get it now, makes sense yes. Thank you Fan!

Darkstar1689 _

What other camps are like the Fire Bats?


That one is probably the worst to be tanking, but really tanking any camp early game is a disadvantage when you get invaded, any of them will do damage to your heroes that the enemy heroes will not be taking so the same concept applies to every camp.

Darkstar1689 _

Thank you, I was trying to figure out if it was value add to invade those camps specifically, kinda like the other team did to you guys but I was unfamiliar with similar camps.


Out of curiosity, is there any different/additional targeting/playstyle tips you would have for mages specifically or would you say you just follow the same guidelines as ranged AA? Thanks Fan!


Same targeting guidelines overall, but keep in mind the actual kit of the mage you are playing, those tend to be quite different as mentioned in the mephisto part of the video.


I've lost games because the team was never on the same page as far as targeting went, it is the don't focus the tank mantra that has caused me the most grief, and frankly, when I hear it, it triggers me. Of course you are supposed to try and get along with the team, and adjust to try and succeed with them, doing things their way sometimes; however, when I'm playing ranged syl build, not e-dive build, doing what they ask, not focus the tank and go for the healer, when the tank is in the way, I feel it's obvious that I can't compromise and make them happy. Does anyone have a suggestion of how to handle this sort of situation? Not in coms, and typing a lot is not the solution either as we all know.


If I know its the wrong choice and they insist on it I'll just ignore them. For example on ranged sylv if I know I cant get past the tank without dying and everyone else is diving, I'll either wait until the tank stuns someone else before I dive, or just hit the tank and let the others dive. Sylv is one of the heroes that is strong enough that you can win a fight even if some things don't go too well so it's more important that you are positioning and playing the fight optimally most of the time.