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Stutterstep is a term for how to move and attack smoothly with any hero. This is an absolutely essential concept for ALL Mobas and is something that will 100% help you improve both your skill and your rank when mastered. I explain how to do it and also WHY it is important in this video.


Heroes of the Storm - Comprehensive Guide to Stutterstep/Kiting by C9 Fan, Top 10 Masters Player

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sometimes I see you attacking camps or heroes while stutterstepping without clicking on them. (like just your movement clicks, and attacking in between with your mouse staying in line of your movement) is there a hotkey im missing? or am I just not seeing you click on them everytime?


That would be using the a + move command (commonly known as attack move). If you use A + move on the ground, it will attack whatever is closest to your hero.


The two mechanical methods of stutter stepping that I'm aware is both methods right click to move one direction and then the first method you attack with the attack command, target doesn't have to be clicked accurately because the attack command attacks closest enemy, and the other is attacking target by right clicking the target, where you have to be accurate where you click. I have trouble using the right click method when their hero is in the creep waves. I noticed when you demoing zeratul, it almost seemed like you were targeting the enemy hero some way and so as you were moving, you were not having a hard time autoing him. Maybe I misinterpreted what I saw, I tried to watch your mouse curser as closely as possible, or maybe, there is something I don't know about.


In the zera clip, I am clicking on the ground and then clicking on the hero every single time I attack him, so it is the right click method you mentioned. I just practiced it a lot, I often go to try mode and individually click every minion rapidly to practice my mouse accuracy, you can try stuff like that if you have trouble clicking accurately on heroes in minion waves. No other trick there, just a lot of practice which makes it look easier than it is.


Does playing esu help with click accuracy? what's your opinion? and thanks for the imput.


I have heard that it does yeah, but best to practice in hots and with outside stuff like osu