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Tracer is a situational DPS that excels at diving other squishy heroes and blowing them up. She is one of the harder heroes to learn as you do need to know a lot about her kit and combo in order to fully utilize her potential. We will explain how to become the monstrous tracer that everyone is afraid of in this video!

All you need to know about every build and talent for Tracer! Lots of Tracer specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Tracer Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



Finally it's here.


Great explaining! Thanks Fan c:


Hey fan, i do have a question about when to pick tracer and what are some counters picks against her and what are some that she counters? Thanks.


thanks, playing aba tracer a lot (as aba) u recomand same skills build ?


Something that really helped me with tracer was moving attack move to left click and regular move to right click. I also put force move on my mouse button. That let me acquire my target with left click and then move freely with right click without changing targets. Really helped me feel locked onto my target even while there’s a bunch of minions and/or enemies during a fight. Note that you need your attack move command to be set to quick cast to have it feel natural. Swapping hold and stop keybinds helps a lot too. The typical stop keybind (S) makes her stop moving, but she still auto attacks, as where most here’s will stop everything. If you bind hold to S instead, she will actually stop autoing, which helps a lot if you’re dealing with a karazim palm, a genji deflecf, zarya shield, etc - where you need to stop attacking.


Generally pick tracer when you want to dive to blow up squishy target(valla,lucio,zeratul,etc) or when they have heavy skillshot reliant heroes and you think you can dodge them well with tracers high mobility(kelthuzad, probius,etc) Picks that do well against tracer include point and click CC (Uther, Taunt Varian, Brightwing) as well as high autoattack damage(Greymane,AA Valla, Hammer,etc) because she cant dodge those.


Yeah I bind my hold position to the S key as well, it definitely helps a lot when playing tracer agreed!