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Thrall is a very strong melee bruiser that can both solo lane and 4 man. He is tricky to play as with all melee heroes, as you have to understand how to weave in and out of the fight safely. He is also tricky to solo lane with on any 3 lane map, as you have to stop the other solo laner from out double soaking you. We talk about all this and more in this video and explain everything you need to know to play him to his full potential!

All you need to know about every build and talent for Thrall! Lots of Thrall specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Thrall Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!





how about crash lightning on lvl 1? What would be your suggested build when playing Thrall in the 4 man?!


Crash lightning is only good if you can stack if very quickly, I think this is OK on 2 lane maps where you fight a ton 4v4 such as braxis or BOE. On 3 lane maps, especially ones with lots of camps which means you wont fight much(Garden of Terror for example) I would still go the green level 1 even in 4 man.