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If you want to see a real game example of how to use Probius and what things you should be looking out for, I talk about some of them in these Grandmaster games that I played with Probius!



This was great I loved it! It's actually incredible and embarassing to me that you can actually get away with this in Grand Master! Thanks for the amazing VOD analysis like always! <3


Probius 1 trick here. 2022 S3 GM#42. Some additional guidance: 1. placing pylons and cannons so that they hug enemy structures will greatly increase your mileage on structures as it keeps your ranged minions alive for longer, and they have bonus damage against structures. (80% more damage from a wave!) 2. Poison Rifts 7 is one of my favorite talents, though I would still recommend Cannon CDR to start. I am aware that mathematically landing W should be impossible, but in practice, through a combination of reaction time, leading your W so that enemies walk into its arming animation, as well as being pepegas who don't prioritize getting out of it, as long as you learn the Q travel time to detonate W instantly, you can actually get a lot of hits. 3. general small quirks: Q range is deceptively longer than it's cast range shows. the 16 talent, W slow lingers, will not apply the slowing effect if you detonate W instantly. Q is wide enough that it can always detonate 2 charges of W, from any angle. This is handy to know with some tanks like Diablo, in order to have the overlap of 2 W's better align with his flip. My go to lvl 20 has been Probius Loop, and I almost always take shield 13 since random teammates will not know its range and I prefer the slight boost in survivability against dive attempts.