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The Lean Mean Slime Machine is finally here! Murky is a character which is secretly very strong if you can master his unique playstyle. He cannot be played like a traditional offlaner as he is very weak in terms of hero fighting stats, but he is one of the best macro heroes in the game if certain conditions are met. We will talk about all that and more in this video!

All you need to know about every build and talent for Murky! Lots of Murky specific tips and tricks and playstyle explanations as well! There will also be a Murky Grandmaster VOD Analysis(in a separate post) to add even more coverage to the hero!



Yaaay! Murky is always a lot of fun!! Thank you for the guide Fan :D


Hey Fan, could you move your camera to another location during these so that we can read the talents's tool tips?


Yeah I usually do but forgot for this one, will do for future ones, my bad