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(Writing this is going to be very difficult for me because of the emotional toll, so I apologize if some of my writing is hard to understand or follow.)

I have already thought of many different ways in which to explain what I need to. It's difficult to get everything I want to say and express out on paper. So, I will be talking plainly and to the point to avoid talking in circles and explain things as clearly as I can.

As of this post, any work I owe to commissioners is going to be fully refunded. I will only accept 'Schwoodle Time' as an acceptable commission tier until my backlog is gone. New funds will be accumulated using this tier, and any access funds acquired will be used to pay back commissioners I have outstanding work for. This decision was not made quickly or lightly. It is the best way for me to move forward.

I understand the disappointment with waiting so long and having nothing to show for it. The backlog is simply too massive for just me to finish. I am trying to be realistic, and there's just no way this will all be done in time or in a way I could appreciate. I have gone through so many iterations of a business model that past work is so outdated it would be too difficult for me to try to get it up to my standards. And, it would take too much time to do that in a way I could feel satisfied.

I understand some people wouldn't mind using the funds they paid already for something in the 'Schwoodle Time' tier. I have tried this in the past. The influx of organization and details I had to put up with for only a few projects at a time was too much for me to handle. If I want to get this backlog under control I have to be consistent and thorough.

I will be rolling this new business model out immediately.

It has been several years since I have been satisfied with my work. I love art. I want to improve. I want to express and expand my skills. But, I have learned that that is impossible when I owe so many people work. I see every day the works and talent of some of the best artists I have ever seen. And it hurts my very soul that I cannot act on my ambition and inspiration because of the sheer amount of work I have to do. I feel I have self-regressed myself because of my stagnant stance with my art. There is nothing more frustrating than I have ever felt than working for almost a decade and losing years of progress with my art in the process because of ill management. I cry. I manage. But, I'm not living. I'm tired of having this owed work on my conscience. It needs to be managed if I ever plan on moving forward with my life. This backlog is now my only priority. I will refund everyone. I will contact people and explain the situation one at a time. 

If there are any questions or anything I failed to explain, simply let me know, and I will answer your question to the best of my ability.

I am so sorry. This is very difficult to admit. But I can't pretend I have this under control any longer. I will move forward with a working speed I am comfortable with. I do not plan to overwork myself while attempting this work. So please bear with me.


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