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Hey gang. I don't usually publish journals back to back, but some things came to light that I needed to share with you all.

Concerning the Backlogged Funds for Doodles offer:
In my last journal, I explained that I would be doing Doodle Commissions for commissioners that have commissions waiting on my Trello Workboard. Funds paid for those commissions could then be allocated to doodles that would be completed much more quickly, so I could gather funds for living expenses and complete my backlog at the same time.

I found out today that that plan cannot be implemented just yet. Trying to gather the necessary information for a past commission and allocate funds to one or even multiple doodles during a workstream takes much too long. This kind of work catch up needs to be better planned out. I admittingly tacked on this offer hoping it would be a quick band-aid solution without considering the steps that would be required to accomplish what I set out to do. (TLDR: I can't offer backlog funds for more recent work just yet, I need to work out the kinks in the work process so it's more streamlined. I still plan to implement this in the future when I am ready.)

I will try to be more focused during my streams:
I have to keep track of a lot of things when I stream. One thing that has become increasingly difficult is keeping track of DM's from chat. I just wanted to make a statement, that my sole focus will be my stream's chat while I am streaming. I can't bounce around to Discord, Twitter, or other messengers while I'm working because it is much too distracting. I like seeing what people find and what I can glean to possibly use in my art. But it hurts my attention if I am in the middle of a project. I will also state this on my Picarto channel as well in the description.

I need to change up my workflow for a while:
For those that have made it to my streams, you may have heard me discuss that I went through a very difficult bout of emotional stress because of needing to confront a family member about their abusive behavior. It had been put off long enough, and something had to be said. This has left me very forlorn, and it has been difficult to have my usual vigor for work when I stream. It's been very difficult to accept random ideas for commissions that I am not passionate about. I just wanted to let you all know that my workstreams are going to be much more centered on my current work mood. Whether it be characters or just certain ideas I want to try. I will still be available for work, but the subject of the Doodle Commissions that I accept during my stream will vary. I am just trying to work to my strengths, as I went into this month, not on the best foot. I hope you all can understand.

Sorry for the random wall of text, but so much has happened so quickly, and I just wanted to make sure I kept you all informed.

Hope you all are staying safe and healthy as we all try to ride out 2020.

Happy Holidays.


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