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( This journal was originally posted to my FurAffinity page, but I am posting it here to for transparency sake. )


Staying productive and making sure that backlog is getting worked on has been rather hectic lately. I just want this update journal to be ‘to the point’ and make sure it covers everything I feel all of you ( especially my commissioners ) are entitled to know.

My original plan of doing backlog on weekends on their own day has not worked. This is because, the work required to complete the sketches that I advertise during my ‘Streamed Sketch Commission’ streams take a large chunk of my daily work time to complete. To fix this, I will be working on Patreon backlog and my commission backlog for one hour each on my regular work days. I hope this starts to get the ball rolling much quicker, and the backlog sees a steady pace of completion.

I also want to apologize to my commissioners who have either emailed me or noted me. I have done a poor job responding to your messages in a timely manner, and I plan to do much better where that’s concerned, so your questions and responses are responded to in a more appropriate time scale.

The most contributing factor that has kept a lot of regular art production behind schedule has been my recent family situations. The shortest version of that story is that everything worked out, because I spared a large portion of my livable income to fix the problems when no one else was available to do so. This meant, backlog had to be set aside, so the brunt of my art production could be used to bring my finances to a more stable foothold. Thankfully, the past couple of weeks have been able to accomplish that.

Another contributing stressor has been my recent move. It’s very annoying to have something linger for so long when you feel you’ve already taken care of it. I’ve noticed the past couple of weeks that my self-care, and apartment had slowly gone into disarray. I was not taking care of myself, and was not allowing myself time to recuperate after a work day. It took much too long to learn this lesson, but the amount of work I have to complete is too large to complete in one go. I tried desperately to get all my work done in one large ‘push’, but in that process a lot of other things that needed my daily attention fell to the wayside.

I’m going to be implementing a new work/ schedule method to combat this, and recently its shown to be very effective at helping me get things done.

With all that said, I hope this journal answers the broadest amount of questions that people have had for me in the last couple of weeks. 

Thank you for taking the time to read, and take care. o/


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