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Hey gang.

I just wanted to write up a little update on what's going as of late with my life in a 'to the point' style of journal writing.

I am very behind on my Katia YCH sketches. I apologize to my commissioners for how long you have had to wait on those. Please know I am doing my best to get those sketches to you in a quality that you expect from me. 

I am the kind of person that likes a good pace. I need one to feel the momentum of what I'm working on, to help me feel like I am working at a good pace. If this momentum is halted, it takes a little bit for me to get the stone wheel turning again. 

So with that said, it's going to be a small while before the Katia YCH batch of sketches is completed. 

However, I still need to make funds and I plan to do more YCH's but with 2 slots so that I am not encumbered by too much work.

There is so much I want to do with my art and so many things I want to make. I've been taking on too much work, and it's affected my energy to be the kind of artist I expect from myself.  

That's really all I can think to say at the moment. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Hope ya'll are having a good start to your weekend. o/



Having momentum behind you is good, but don't burn yourself out! It's okay to take a break every now and then and do other things!