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Hey gang. I have been sitting in front of my monitor, staring at it wondering why its getting so difficult to make anything anymore. I really think its because I'm at a point in my life where I can't just act on impulse anymore. I have different responsibilites that need my attention. I'm not hampered down by life, but I was hampering myself with all these self-imposed rules and goals that I was trying to do every day and it was just not working. I work much better with a clear goal in mind, which is surprising because earlier this year I felt the exact opposite. So, I'm not leaving forever, but I am going to take as long as a break as I need to get over this slump. There's a lot I want to get done, I just need to give myself time to do my baby steps.

So, if you are currently supporting me on Patreon, I would cancel your subscription so your not billed for time where there's going to be a content drought from me.

Just thought I should let ya'll know. o/

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