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Hey gang. As the title suggests I will be closing down the 24/7 access to y commission form.

I'm doing this because I realzied two very important things.

First Thing: I need to have a consistant upload schedule to be relative enough for people to have an interest in commissioning me if that's what I'm seeking.

Second Thing: I am too afraid to post work. I take too long cause I try to get it 'just right' and it ends up eating a lot of time that could be spent on doing more work.

So, I'm gonna close the commission form, but I will still be contacting the poeple that already filled out the form so don't worry! I will get you all as timely as I can mnage. I am also going to try to post more frequently, even if I'm not 100% sure about it. I am going to try to tackle my fear head on cause I am getting so tied of not doing anything.

That's all I got for news. But I hope ya'll are having an ok start to the week. o/

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