Changing To A Numbered Post Format. (Patreon)
2017-08-21 14:40:55
Hey gang.
My last update I had expressed how much I dislike my waffling and how I intended to have updates done by Friday every week.
After several attempts and circumstances beyond my control I just don't see this as a realistic goal anymore. I don't want to keep making promises that I intend to keep just have circumstances botch the whole thing.
To help work around my constantly flucuating schedule I am going to switch from a weekly update to a numbered update instead. So instead of 'Week 12' title, content will be distributed with 'Batch 12' title instead. Even though updates are going to being flucuating much more then I like, I am still going to try to have updates by Friday/ the end of the week.
The good news is that that the current request sketches are done. I just need to finish the page. I'm sorry I'm still trying to get this whole Patreon thing down. I'm doing my best to give you guys the rewards you deserve for your continued support. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or message me directly.
Hope you guys have a good start to your week! o/