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Yeah I know, another from behind position with Ayane. But what can I say? Her fighting style revolves around figting enemies while turing her back to them, she has short hair which is perfect to give a nice view over her back and we know she likes it :)

The loop part is already complete but I want to add a finish to the animation. So estimated release for patreon is the first week of next month.




What a lovely preview, Chibi! Not only has Ayane such a nice backside to show off, you even managed to still give us a nice view of her boobs. I appreciate the effort you put into those angles! Not to mention that flat-ironing like that is a position you only rarely see in animations - which is a shame, because it can make for some nice and gentle fun! I'm pretty sure Ayane isn't the only one who'll like it when it's finished! 😇


There will also be another camera angle. I just didn't want to spoil the fun by putting every angle in the preview :D