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"I ain't the only one who's getting a D" - a big Sapling :D

UPDATE: -changed mouth/nose position, changed BJ mouth shape, removed phone

I think this version is better, so unless you want the phone, let me know ill put into the reward pack :d Thanks for the feedback guis! 🙌




The art is great! But personally I’m not a fan of the mouth being like that, nothing wrong with your art at all! That mouth while she’s sucking is just genuinely unattractive to me


The phone is floating? Just looks off and kinda distracting


I agree, i like the amount of detail put into this, but i would say that the mouth should maybe go deeper...? The mouth looks a bit weird when its sucking like that


is that a real screenshot from her chat?


oh, it was meant to fall off, since she came from underneath the table, it's why the angle of the table is a bit titled and also why the pencils are also rolling off and liquid everywhere, I probably added too much things to the piece and lost what i wanted to convey xD


hmm I wasn't sure with it, since I don't draw that kind of expression often, but NOTED! :D


Updated mouth and no phone do look better, I like this piece a lot more now 👍


Had to look for the old notification with the old version to compare, lol. Yeah, I prefer the new non-vacuum mouth as well! Way better! Can't say much about the phone as it got poofed :D The light ray was pretty though.


This version looks way better now! Never was a fan of vacuum mouths cause no matter how good the art is, vacuum mouths look always weird. Amazing Job Doggo <3


Bro! Ain’t no way you did this just because I bitched, I am so sorry if me complaining about the mouth insulted your art 😭