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Hello everyone, just a quick update on my twitter suspension status, at the moment its currently in review, but from the look of it I'll have to consider other options if I'm indefinitely suspended. If so, I'll let you guys know! I'm still making art while suspended, my pixiv is still active so you can check out this month's art over there, sorry about that I know its inconvenient, here's the link


So for a more accurate description in how I got suspended, I have concluded it was because of the policy/guidelines under "graphic violence or adult content in profile images" more specifically my profile header/banner. I got "locked" the first time when I had a girl drooling over in a profile view with a red background. At first I thought this was because of the redness which may suggest graphic violence, but this time I realized it was something else. Under twitter's own words, which is not known by many as I have searched online since then, that Adult Content is defined as follows: 

"We consider adult content to be any media that is pornographic and/or may be intended to cause sexual arousal." - Twitter (attached below)

So as you can imagine, my newest profile header/banner was Botan's face having sexy time, which is what got me suspended. However, I got suspended without the alternative or choice to change my banner like last time. This is why I am appealing my case because I've seen a lot of R18 profiles from other twitter accounts that has much more followers and breaks the guidelines based on what I had. It's unfortunate but that's just how twitter works and if I can't get back my account, then I'll just accept it, it's just how private company works.

As for commissions, I'll use my GD email (greatodoggo@gmail.com) to send notifications directly for now, if you did not subscribe for my revue newsletter, you should send your email to me, since revue newsletter is discontinued sometime this month. If I create a new account I'll update it here and send everyone a DM.

Anyways, it sucks but that's life xd



Anime FemPyro

GreatoDoggo will rise again