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Hi there, I have been doing my best to keep up with sending rewards, but since I do it manually, theres a chance some one could be missed on accident. Please send me a message if you are in tier 10 or higher and haven’t gotten a rewards message yet.

July was a whirlwind, when my mom fell suddenly ill, she was in septic shock and non responsive. Then she was in surgery for days, after that she had trouble waking up. She was so weak she could barely open her eyes. She was helpless as a baby, and mentally, very confused. It was hard to see her like that. But gradually day by day she started getting back to her old self. It was a rollercoaster emotionally. But, I couldn’t even process my feelings, I was so busy. Now, that we are in the clear and she’s doing well, I am finally letting myself cry.



I’m glad your mom is doing better 😊 I went through a similar situation with my mom in April and can relate with what you experienced. It’s very stressful when you live so far away, and something traumatic happens to someone you love.

Brandon Shane

I did and they were FANTASTIC! 🤗💖


I’m sorry to hear you had a similar experience, I hope things turned out ok in your case as well. I’m very grateful my mom’s doing fine now❤️