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Here’s some photos of my cats ❤️My cats were strays that I rescued, I let them chose me, 3 of the 4 kittens decided they wanted to stay with me. They followed me home and stayed after several encounters near my old home.  

Sadly, Charlie, the white and black one, ran away during the move. I’ve searched around my old place everyday but can’t find her. I waited to talk about it bc I thought I would find her. Milk and Tora, my two remaining cats are happier than ever, they love having more space to run around and now both sleep with me at night. I’m very happy with my new home, and I’m making progress on cleaning/ unpacking. It’s bittersweet, I just wish I could share this place with Charlie too. 




Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that😟 maybe leave some flyers up asking if anyone has seen him? I had a black cat that had disappeared back in 2016, so I understand the feeling😔


Oh....... :( Really sorry about Charlie Pat...


Damn sorry to hear that hopefully someone nice as you finds Charlie and gives him a nice home.

Hytham Ghanem

I hope u r able to find the cat u left behind when flyers r sent

Cage Nightwind

Aw Charlie. I hope they turn up!


Yeah, I’ll try fliers, there’s also a website for lost pets here too. I’m sorry you experienced the same thing. I hope both your black cat and Charlie are doing alright wherever they are.


I hope so too. One source of comfort is around my old place is a park, and also its the suburbs and not many cars drive by, it’s pretty quiet and safe.


Thank you, I didn’t leave her behind though, she escaped her cat carrier, I’m sad as I got new more comfortable cat carriers just for the move, I really tried to plan everything well😞

Hytham Ghanem

Well I pray that u find ur cat


Yeah, it’s unfortunate this happened, I just hope she’s ok even if she’s not with me anymore. Near my old apt there were some houses with backyards, I hope she wonders into a kind persons back yard and becomes their new pet

Hytham Ghanem

Yep as a saying from star fox video game never give up trust your instincts