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Ah, I’ve been interested in this character for a while, she may not be the main character but she’s unique and unforgettable ❤️ personally I usually end up liking side characters the most, and get frustrated that they don’t get as much screen time lol I’m thinking about cosplaying her for August rewards, what do you think?

I’ll be moving to a new apartment soon, and that means I need to also pick a cosplay that I can make in a short amount of time😅 After I’m all settled in I want to challenge myself to make some really difficult stuff, and when that time comes I’ll ask again for your suggestions 😊 I thought I would move in August, but it will happen in July, so my schedule has to be rearranged 💦 There’s so much to do, but once it’s all done I’ll be able to make even better content for you guys❤️

Have a great day💕




I think I suggested this when you asked about characters a while back! I think it will be great. The twins are so funny in the show :D


Yeah, I remember that! I started looking into them after that. They are so cute, if possible I want to do both and make some composition photos of the two of them together 😄


Awsome yay


I really like Tione, but I´m more a fan of Aisha. Her older sister site to Haruhime is so cute.^^

Brandon Perez

Which anime was this from?

wally tututu

oh no way tione <3 you know what if you do i bet alot of danmachi fans would love it cus all they get is hestia cosplay all day long and well can they do someone else XD