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So I’ve made the decision to send rewards at the end of the month (for this month, that means 6/30). 

There are several reasons for this, but the main one is that patreon decided to remove a tool that I use to mark accounts as “complete “ after messaging them their rewards. With out this tool, there’s no way for me to sort through who has or hasn’t gotten their rewards, and it makes giving out rewards early very difficult. But I can still see who is in which tier, and so I can message everyone in those tiers at the end of the month to give them their rewards.

Every other Patreon content creator I know sends rewards at the end of the month, and thats really how Patreon is designed as a platform. It’s not a shop to buy ready made content, but rather a place to fund and encourage projects, and then receive benefits at the end of the month as a thank you.

I worried that if I could not get rewards to patrons as quickly as possible, that people would loose interest in my work, I was afraid of this so I pushed myself to provide content early, but now that’s just not really possible with the way Patreon is set up.

The other thing is I am finally moving! I’m excited but there’s so much work to do, meaning I’ll be even busier than usual.

Everyone who already signed up has received their rewards, but from now on, all new pledges and upgrades, will be given their rewards at the end of the month.

Thank you so much for your understanding. 



wally tututu

I wonder why you did it at beginning, now I see. Well at the end of the month seems standard. Hey exciting stuff moving wish you the best.


Thank you for being so supportive ❤️ I’m very excited to move, and once I do I will have a larger space to take videos and to do YouTube videos and hopefully art streams😊


I’m glad to hear! I hope sending out rewards at the end of the month will be so much more helpful! It sounds so annoying that they changed that tool on you. >.< Edit: And good luck moving!! I hope it goes smoothly for you. C: I hope your new home will become comfy soon!!


So what they said was that tool had been removed in June 2018, but since I had joined Patreon before that, I still had access to it. Now they want all accounts to have access to only the current tools. It really surprised me, why change at all, but I guess they want to streamline the site.

Brandon Perez

Well I can wait for the rewards at the end of the month but change is for the best.


That's cool with me. Good luck with the move Pattie 😊👍


super hermosa


Totally fine saving the best for the last day of the month. Good luck with your move and stay safe.


Beautiful🌹love your work.. that booty 👌🏼


Aw, that stinks. I learned you’re doing Tifa this month, so I’m going to pledge, but it stinks that Patreon removed a tool to make this kind of thing easy. Do whatever works for you. I’ll wait if it means I get to that content hassle-free. I know it’s worth it.


Yeah, I’m not sure why they made the change, but in general this site is set up for end of the month distribution. If you want immediate rewards, I do have an onlyfans, it’s different content from Patreon, mainly selfies and casual lewds, and the content is viewable as soon as you join.


Good luck gorgeous 😍😍