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I’m home and enjoying time with my family, especially Dandylion.

She’s doing better, but she’s still struggling. She had pneumonia and has chronic asthma. It’s hard for her to breathe, and while she’s getting better this is a problem she may have for a while. I’m sad that she’s not really herself right now, just a few months ago in December she was so healthy and active.

She’ll need to go back to the vet at some point for a check up but I dread doing it. We are doing our best for her❤️

Other news, I’ll be doing a photoshoot tomorrow at a pool💕




Awww, such a little trooper she is.


Cool. Glad she's doing better👍. Can't wait for a preview of that photo shoot. Hoping its in a micro bikini 😊🤞


Poor baby. Have you thought of buying a Molekule?


Really cute cat 😊


I´m really happy to hear that she feels a bit better. SHe is such a cute thing.^^ Oh and is that you in the pink dress on the wall?

Jason Mitchell

Get better soon dear kitty! She depends on you!


Glad she’s doing better, sweet little thing