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I was looking forward to an event, Cos-express, that’s on Monday (a national holiday in Japan), but there’s a huge typhoon coming and I’m getting a bit worried. I plan to have a booth at the event and have prepared a lot of materials, it would be quite a shame if the event were canceled, or worse if the typhoon causes damage / destruction. Sometimes typhoons aren’t too much more than a bad rainstorm but this one is predicted to be record breaking.

Anyway, I’m hoping for the best, while preparing for the worst right now.

If any of you are in Japan, please take care and stay safe❤️




I hope the typhoon won't cause too much damage. Please stay at home and follow all safety precautions!

Kird Chemical

Take care Pattie. There's storm where i live too sometimes, and it's has you described, sometimes just bad weather but can turn into something huge especially here on a Caribbean island. Wish that you can still go to the event and more importantly they you'll be safe. Give us news when you can ! ♥


Stay safe, Pattie. Hopefully they'll be able to make the call on whether or not it's safe before it's too late.


Let's hope it's just another rainstorm, stay safe and ready for success after the storm, big hug!


Keep safe Pattie, I'm hoping it'll just be rain but those things can be unpredictable😟


Thank you for the kind messages everyone, I think everything will be ok, but I’ll stock up on supplies like food and stuff to be safe❤️


Yes please be safe. You only live once 🤟🏾