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I was so excited and amped up to shoot Nitocris today but the hotel we nothing like as promised, the photos on the website must have been heavily photo shopped or something, the room and outdoor bath are so small and cramped, it’s not possible to take good photos, and I’m so devastated by it. I’d had my Nitocris cosplay ready since mid July but had to wait all this time till my photographer had time, and today these conditions are just awful. I can’t do the shoot, even though I did try and I’m smiling in these selfies, I’m so upset at how this room is and I just feel like I have to start over tomorrow, I hope to get everything ready as soon as possible but it’s going to be so hard.

I feel kinda worn out and paralyzed with pressure, I love Nitocris so much and I’m really happy with how my cosplay came out, I want to do a photo shoot I can be proud of but I feel stressed about time.

Any kind words would really be appreciated ring now, I appreciate you guys and your comments/ encouragement so much!




Take your time! I'm sure anyone would agree that it would be better for you to have extra time to get these photos to be the best they can be.


Thank you❤️ yeah, I think that’s best. I just hate making you guys wait💦 I’ll just try to do the best I can.


Pattie, you do such incredible work! I am sure you will overcome this setback, and come back better than ever! Keep your head up, because all of us fans have your back!


You still look hella pretty Pattie-chan. No rush! Your content is awesome and I think everyone appreciates your efforts and hard work. Keep up the awesome work! 😍😁


I'm sure I don't just speak for myself when I say this but I don't think anyone would mind if it took more time to receive something that you yourself are proud of. I'm sure that everyone get disappointed sometimes. Fall backs happen from time to time. Please don't get discouraged we all want to see you smiling happy and enjoying yourself with your work again ^_^


Don't worry Pattie, things happen that we have no control over. I'm sorry to hear that the shoot couldn't happen, I know you were excited for it. Happy artists make great art, and it's okay to wait for more favorable moments. I won't be upset if you need an extra day or two to get things together, I'm excited to root for you and see the amazing art of cosplay that you do. You can do It!😄😄😄


We appreciate everything you do pattie we know it's a lit of work to plan and even more work to execute. If we have to wait then so be it, you're the artist and this is your passion it should never feel like you rushed it. Hope you feel better. 💪🏽😤


You get so much accomplished, don't worry when a setback happens. Be flexible but pursue the way you want it to be and since it's you, it will be great.


Im sorry to hear this Pattie! Im sure most of us wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer for it. I hope everything gets better ❤


Pattie your cosplay looks amazing. I totally understand you feel down about a place not being as expected because you always want to give your best. You work so hard and all your updates really make me smile. I know people will understand and you've kept everyone updated so that's super good!