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My original Erotic cosplays will never go in my shop bc they are too lewd, but I did make a tier here where you can get a full month’s previous rewards including the Erotic Cosplay! The photo above is from September, my Egyptian goddess inspired character Nefari✨

Heres a link to show you all 4 available previous characters:


I hope you’re having a good day! I can’t wait for the weekend to be honest lol




Wow you look so beautiful in all of these. 💕 Great job keep up the good work.💕 I hope you are having a wonderful day.


Would we be able to get, say octobers erotic original cosplay and April's lewd character cosplays by going to the double rewards tier?


Yes, you can mix and match as you like😊 thank you for asking, that’s a good question 💗