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Since I’m switching over to getting rewards out at the begining of the month, as opposed to after the first of the following month, I’m giving everyone 2 months of rewards to reset my reward schedule! This will only ever happen once, so it’s a great time to join my Patreon!

The easiest way to think of it is like buy one, get one free. New patrons buy July rewards and get June for free, while current patrons buy August and get July free! 

So current patrons need to stay on my Patreon to get the rewards, for example if you delete your pledge before August 1st you will not get this deal. Because of the payment schedule, new Patrons (joined after 7/2) will get July rewards before old patrons (joined before 7/2). Once payments of old patrons have been processed on 8/1 they’ll get both July and August at the same time! 

