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Hope your weekend is off to a good start✨ The photo set for Lisa will be moved to July because I really want to shoot her at the beach, and it will take a while to make that happen, but I promise it will be so worth the wait💗. Instead I shot Nitocris, a cosplay dear to my heart, and it turned out so good, I can’t wait to show you more! However I took a lot of selfies of Lisa and I’ll be gradually sharing them with you guys this month💕

What do you think of beach photo shoots? And do you want me to go in the water 💦




Yes do some shots in the water! ヾ(。>﹏


I think it's a fabulous idea. You'd look amazing in the water.


Shooting photos in the beach would be awesome, it's the ideal setting for that cosplay

Colin Kao

Cool ideas! I can't imagine the reactions you'd get at a public beach in conservative Japan. Or maybe I'm wrong?


Yeah, I really can’t imagine capturing the cosplay any other way, I’ll do my best💗


Actually, Japanese people just leave you alone. You know my Musashi cosplay, I wore that at the port (there was a special photo shooting event), and I was in plain view of passers by and, aside from some people staring at my chest (i mean I would probably stare a little too) no one bothered us or said anything. For better or worse the Japanese usually keep to themselves. So as a cosplayer, this is good for me👍


so sexy!