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This is my favorite park in Yokohama💕 The flowers change with the seasons, and right now roses are in full bloom! I’m happy I didn’t miss them this year🌹 I love going to parks, it helps me relax. What do you like to do to relax?




That park is so pretty, you take any other photo's there? I really enjoy listening to lofi when I'm laying down or working on stuff at my desk, any music that's easy on the ears really.


You look really cute there! To relax, sometimes I go for a walk while listening music. The parks here are not as pretty as the one in the picture, but they are ok


I did take several pictures, I missed the roses last year so I’m happy I saw them in bloom this time😊 I like relaxing and listening to music too, usually on youtube . Lofi is very cool, I also like techno/ indie music when I’m making my cosplays


I like all kinds of parks, simple ones and small ones too, I think being able to enjoy little things like this important, ya know? Listening to music outside is great! Very calming or energizing depending on the music😊