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What's up everyone?

Today's devlog is going to be brief so let's get it on.

Since the last devlog I was able to finish everything needed for Linda's house. All rooms are finished and I made 5 different light setups, one for every period (morning, day, afternoon, evening and night) for each of the rooms.

It was hard work but the results are just amazing.

After I finished that I moved to actual development.

While chapter 2 will use the same UI elements of Chapter 1, there was a lot of stuff I needed to change or even that I realized I could improve while working on it.

One of the things I did was rework the entire internal Game Time manager. I ditched the old model and went for a proper implementation of python's datetime library.

It's not something the end user will see or notice, but it's sure as hell something that will make my life easier down the road, especially in the future as the game will take a more sandbox-y time management aspect.

Of course, that will only be noticeable by people that don't play in VN Mode.

Another thing I implemented was a World State system that gives you 3 options on how to start Chapter 2:

This is one of the first screens you see when starting a new game and here's a rundown of what those 3 options essentially mean:


This option will be available if you have played and finished Chapter 1, otherwise it'll be greyed out.

It'll load the data saved at the end of Chapter 1 (during that bike ride animation) and set everything up for you.


This starts Chapter 2 with a default "perfect" world state where all the girls are unlocked and all optional content was done.

This option will redirect you to the the Gameplay Mode Screen, the Fetishes Selection Scrren, the MC Name Screen and to Luana`s Cat Configuration Screen.

The game will be started once you finish setting those up.


At first this will also ask you to configure your gameplay mode, fetishes, mc name and Luana's cat.

After that it'll take you the World State Configuration System, where you'll be able to tailor your game world however you like it.

This will run you through each and every choice you could have made in Chapter 1, all broken down into 12 screens, one for each portion of Chapter 1.

It's a somewhat long process, but at the end of it you'll have a world state tailored down to every little detail.


It goes without saying that the second and third options are meant for people that either didn't play Chapter 1 or just want to mix and match different settings.

As of now I believe I have finished everything needed for the game to run properly, so I can safely move to writing the dialogue and then to scene work.

I'm aiming for an April 1st release (ironic, I know), so that will leave me with time to create some content, not as much as I wanted, but it'll be something at least.

Anyway, that's it for this Devlog! Don't forget to check the sneak-peeks post, I'll be showing the screens for the World State Configuration System there!

See you around!




Thanks Lykanz for making one of the most fun, entertaining, and sexy games out there man! I love this sucker to pieces :) Keep up the great work plez.


first thanks for this awesome game i love harem games and this game is my number one favorite awesome story and characters i hope this game will never be abadoned pls and thanks for your hard work


Is this the latest version?


I love the characters you've created.