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This update was released on December 23, 2023 for INNitiate and above patrons!

As the original post says:

What's up people, how are you getting all ready and cozy for Christmas?

I hope 2023 has been as amazing for you all as it was for me!

2023 marks a huge milestone on The Inn's development with the closing of it's first chapter (fucking finally, right?).

The game has evolved in a lot of ways since I started it way back in 2018 and nothing of that would be possible without you!

And, well... It looks like Christmas came early this year (and so did I)!

This is also the release post for the FULL Chapter 1 of The Inn (AKA 0.09.02)!

As I said before, it marks a huge milestone for The Inn's development!

It closes what I like to call "Hometown Homecoming" arc, sets up the story elements for the next chapter, answers some questions and introduces new story elements and key characters.

A proper changelog follows:

  • Added one new, somewhat lenghty event that closes Chapter 1.
  • Added two new fetishes to the Fetish Selection Screen.
  • Introduced two new characters.
  • Remade Navigation assets for Joana's House's Entrance.
  • Updated the Navigation Icons for Joana's House.
  • Changed the display name for Joana's House's Entrance to Front Hall.
  • Changed some dialogue lines in previous updates to be more in line with stuff added in this update.

And here are the download links:

I hope you have as much fun playing as I had working on it!

Have fun and, again, Merry Christmas and a very, VERY Happy New Year for you!




Is this the latest version?

Romel joseph

In the new version, put some of the student on it too at the school


Sort of. I'll release 1.00.00 by the end of the month. It'll be just this version + fixes and some reworked images, but nothing major.