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What's up peeps?

Here's another pin-up for you all!

This time it features Joana. I'm currently creating an event for her that will be v0.05 and I that put me in the mood for some Joana love.

I hope you enjoy it!

The patron exclusive NSFW version for this week's pin-up is soon to follow, so stay tuned!




Hi when is the full release coming out? Any approximate date? Please!!!!!?


I can't give a release date because I don't work on this full time. But what I can say is that I'm close to finishing all the events for this update.


Yeah I know that you work in the health sector, still I thought it would be nice to know when it would come out


Yeah, that's the thing, haha. I can't give an estimate because I don't have a set schedule to work on it. I do as much as I can when I can. So yeah, there's no way for me to say when I'll have it ready.




with covid its a bitch to get any thing done i work in health care as well just did 7nights 12 to 14 hour shits and don't know when my next day is off