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Hello everyone, it's Hefess.

I still have pledges disabled until January, but until then I have an update regarding the status of my Patreon and the $10-25 tiers.

The tiers for $1-5 patrons will not change.  For the tiers $10 and above, as I mentioned before, I will be doing away with the free sketch/color commission rewards and replacing them with something else, and I'm ready to divulge exactly what that something will be.

I'm gonna be introducing something called the Monthly Theme: Patrons in the highest tier will have the opportunity to nominate a theme of their choosing for the next month during the first couple weeks of the current month.  During the latter weeks of the month, patrons $10 and higher will be able to vote on them.  The winning theme will have a weekly pic dedicated to it all throughout the month.  Themes to be nominated can be anything between a certain series, a character, a genre, etc.  The nature of the pics will depend on the theme chosen; for example, if a series is the monthly theme, I'll feature various characters from that series, or if a character is chosen, I'll make a 4-5 part sequence featuring that character.  OR if the theme is a genre you picked, like "video games" as an example, it could be anyone from any video game.  There are endless possibilities.  The nominations for January will be open later this week.

Additional benefits of the updated tiers will be early access to comic and manga pages.  $10 patrons will be able to view finished pages one month before they go public, while the top tiered can additionally view works in progress.  I will also feature new exclusive clothing variations of new and previous works for my top patrons, for which they'll be able to make suggestions.

I realize these changes may not appeal to everyone and you may be less inclined to stay pledged because of it, and I will completely understand.  If you do decide to reduce your pledge or leave, though, most of you won't be going empty handed.  That's where the Hefess Ambassador Program comes in.

As of now, people in the $10-25 tiers have the benefit of commission discounts whenever they are open, and that will remain in effect even with these changes.  The point of the ambassador program however will allow these patrons who've remained pledged for at least an active year to retain those commission discount benefits whether they stay pledged or not, and they are good for a lifetime.  It will come in Silver and Gold Status; Silver entitles 25% off commissions to those who have pledged to the $10 tier for 12 active months or more, and Gold entitles 50% off for those in the $25 tier for 12 active months or more.  You will each receive a special digital emblem engraved in your name reflecting this, which you can use each time you commission me whenever they're open, so keep an eye on your inboxes in the coming weeks.  Be sure to let me know your preferred name and method of contact before I have yours made, just so the process goes smoothly.  If by the end of December you do not receive an emblem in you believe you're entitled to one, just send me a note and we'll get things settled.

I believe that's everything for now, lol.  Let me know what you guys think and how you feel about these changes, and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.  Either way, I will always be appreciative of all your support.

Best regards,



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