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With no one around her body completely immobilized, panic began to set in for Hinata Hyuga almost as quickly as she herself set in to the quicksand. Little by little, the coarse sand cratered around her and began covering what little was visible of her to the point where not even any all-seeing white eyes could hope to spot her ;D




Ohh man, I *love* that you decided to go for the "crater around the face" thing for this one. It's one of my favourite details about a sinking sequence and I only see it very rarely. Looks amazing!


I don't know where to begin with this. All of it is so amazing!~ I like how in the first page its a reference of the anime scene, even down to her expression only this one both her arms are stuck. How her shoulder is positioned really tells us the story of how shes been struggling and wiggling around trying to free herself. Love that detail. The 2nd page really sells the point of no return, its like the moment Hinata realized she can't struggle anymore and is seeing the fate she will be in for. The absolute fear she has and how it was done is nothing short but brilliant. I adored how shes turning a bit purple and the sweat she has grows. Noticed that too how ever since the bust deep picture the sweat is growing more and more and that elevates the danger too. All of it feels so organic and natural for her. I love the fear in her eyes too with the linework. Her looking over and the overall angle is really hot. The bubbles forming too is really consistent as well. Loved how that too is getting more and more frequent. The final two images are amazing! I really loved how you approached that with the angle and its something anytime i see i love a lot. Her expression is super cute too. Like the lip quivering as well. The way its shaded and how theres no light around her is so good. Its like the sand is just about to close over her and all the light is gone for her, just like her fate. Its such great mix of hinatas cute face but proper expression. Even how the final page of this i enjoy how theres bubbles forming where her mouth is, its like shes finally realizing to scream but its too late~. This is straight up the best hinata qs sequence i ever saw <3