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Yo guys! I was thinking to do a poll of characters! the rule are simple, give me some of your favorite anime/videogame/ecc...  and pred characters like "I want Bulma getting eaten by Mike Wazowski" and I will make a poll where everyone can vote! the most voted character will have a small vore comic and an illustration while for the second one a simple illustration! I will open it on the tomorrow and it will end at midnight on the 25th, in the mean time you can give me the characters, I hope that you all like this idea!



I would love to see more of Lana from Pokémon. Cell absorbing her would be nice :)


Sucrose from Genshin eaten by an experiment gone really wrong sounds great. Or really any of the Genshin girls really. I'm partial to the erumite floral ring dancer as well.


I like the idea! maybe she get eaten by a plant that she was creating or a monster lab


Maybe gets yanked right out of her boots lol


Paimon eating a character could be good as well since she's a bottomless pit. Maybe Lumine or one of the many beautiful female enemies!


Ive got plenty more suggestions if you need em