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On the last day of the school trip to Hawaii, Sadayo Kawakami was beginning to regret her decision to hit up a nearby nature reserve. Worn down by her duties as a chaperone, she thought soaking in the sun and the lush natural beauty of the tropical forests would be just what she needed to unwind before the long flight back to Tokyo. Unfortunately, the lingering stress of the day kept her mind wandering until before she knew it, she was off the beaten path and well beyond range of cell service. Already dreading the lecture she was going to get if Ms. Chouno got wind of this, she immediately began trying to figure her way back to civilization, hoping to get back to the hotel before search parties were sent out. The last thing she needed was getting found shirking her duties on a school trip. Wandering aimlessly for over an hour, she was blissfully unaware that something had already found her. Something that hunted her through the tropical ferns and lush vegetation with hungry eyes and a growling stomach. Something that would rather she remain lost in the woods with it. It had a nice place all picked out for her. Somewhere warm and snug. Somewhere where she no longer had to think about grading test scores or horny clients getting handsy. Where she would have no choice but to let all her worries dissolve into nothing. And once it had her, she would never have to worry again. She had gotten herself lost. The frog would ensure she was never found...

commission for @vanguard



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