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We're hoping to upload this video on Monday! Let me know what you think about it! This is maybe a bit too personal! Ha ha definitely a change of pace. We shot it back in Jan of last year. This will be the first video we put you all in the credits, I'll be placing little talkbacks at the end of each video this year in an attempt to connect with my YouTube audience on a more personal level.  

Don't forget the livestream starting soon! Tonight 6pm PST! We'll see you there 

I'm also in a show tonight at the Pack Theater. It's like a talk show with a PeeWee vibe, come out if you're in LA. Let me know if you want a comp! 



Hairloss Roughcut

This cut is not yet finished. Do not share just yet this is for your eyes only!



Just finished watching it, absolutely love it. The “haha bald guys are unattractive and it’s funny to laugh at them!” trope is something I’m really sore about, so even if the vid is supposed to be silly the point is valid and the words hit home. The men in my life that are losing/have lost their hair either get quiet and insecure at the jokes on tv and movies, or they try to be like “oh that’s me!” because it’s easier to pretend to laugh along or make the first joke and own it than to let anyone know how much losing their hair affects them emotionally. It warps one’s self-image and their confidence but everyone thinks it’s so funny. My partner started losing his hair as a teen, most was gone by 25. It isn’t fair that extensions, veneers, and makeup are fine while an equally dignity-saving toupee is such a funny joke to the world. Also, the payoff at the end from wondering why you were smashing pumpkins in the vid was amazing 😂😂


What wonderful insight! Thanks for the comment McJess! Yes it's such a wild social construct, I love poking fun of dumb stuff like this. The video feels like my Dirty 30 vid I made a few years ago. I think when I struggle with stuff like this I like to dig in and make a video exploring why I feel so much about seemingly frivolous concept.