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Welcome all newbies and here's an update reminder for all the oldie goldies: don't forget to send me your instagram handle you'd like to be added to the "close friends" list on @sthwrd- that's where in-real-time build progress/bts/disposable goodies go (I say real time but it's also quite a bit of timelapses ha). Right now I'm in deep rebuilding the peacock and phoenix costumes. I'm racing against the clock to finish by Monday when I travel to Romania to be on iUmor once again. Later this week I'll link the previous three animal performances I've done there to catch you all up to speed!

If you are in the sustainward tier make sure and send me your choice: T-shirt, cameo video shoutout, or signed 8x10 (and let me know which print, you have three choices)

Everyone gets this cool new magnet and a couple of these amazing vinyl stickers. There's some new treasures in this batch- gotta collect them all! All new patreoners with listed address will automatically get this, any existing patreoners will need to let me know you want it!

If I do not have your address on file then I can't send you anything 😢(I've now automated it so if it's not in the system then it won't let me know I owe you an item)

All patreoners get these new shirts at cost, you can either venmo me $16 or pump up your tier to sustainward and I'll send it on over as part of your tier benefit! You can order one of these at anytime just message me. You can also adjust your tier level at anytime!



Marcus DeVoss

So I can send you my address

Marcus DeVoss

I messaged you on instagram