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Can you believe it's been 5 weeks already!?! I'm still playing catchup on updates, here is the final episode of the live international Italian TV show, The Talent Catchers. Some friendly faces came back to Rome to perform with the celebrity that snatched them up in previous episodes. My chicken character had a comeback and then the snake arrived to take revenge on behalf of il pulcino's unrequited love story. Again, I don't know how interesting this all is for you all, I've been in Rome for 5 weeks and I only understand one out of every 10 words... maybe.

The craziest thing about this episode is how willing Francesco Paolantoni was to be eaten by the snake. I rehearsed eating a production assistant for the producers, then with one of the body guards then Francesco jumped into the rehearsals. I ended up eating him like 4 times, once for an instagram video lol. He only spoke Italian so I wasn't able to have a full conversation with him but he was having fun and seemed to enjoy the whole process. I also ripped his wig off as the chicken, I may or may not have been told not to do that... I'm a bad chicken.

The finale was a lot of fun and the Italians seemed to like it. Who knows if this show was a net positive by the end of this season. I have no idea if it was 'worth it' or if Rai with renew it for another season. I am also completely unsure if they would invite me back to the second season if there is one! What I do know is that it was a crazy experience filled with wild stories and learning experiences I wouldn't have been able to acquire anywhere else. I can't wait to share more with you all. I want to have a livestream where we unpack it all this weekend. I'm already in the process of getting ready for Electric Forest. We leave Wednesday to fly out to Michigan for Sethward's Spectacular, a Show & Tell/Sethward Show mashup we do at one of the most beautiful music festivals in America! More on that soon!

 Instagram reel: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C77N7VjOt9J/?igsh=MTZ3NWh3eXVlbjdqbw==


L'acchiappatalenti 2024 - Puntata del 08/06/2024 - Video - RaiPlay

Quinto ed ultimo appuntamento con Milly Carlucci ed il nuovo talent show: "L'acchiappatalenti". Ancora una volta il talento è protagonista con esibizioni e performance di artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo. In quest'ultima puntata, i 5 acchiappatalenti Teo Mammuccari, Francesco Paolantoni, Mara Maionchi, Sabrina Salerno e Wanda Nara si esibiranno insieme ai talenti che avranno "acchiappato" nel corso delle prime quattro puntate.


Assigned Conor

Yayy! I'll see you at Forest!

Ross Travis

Absolutely amazing. What a beautiful adventure my friend!