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Hi all, I realized I didn't engage much, on Patreon and others in the past year or so, so I thought I'd do a post about the current state of things. 

Needless to say, it's... not ideal. My last job ended right when the pandemic started, so Patreon has been my "job" since. Quotes because it has always been a way to explore my kinks, share them, have fun... and it still is, so I wanted to thank you for your support.

The situation was getting better, and then this happened... I'm not in any danger (I live in Western Europe), but I can't stop obssessing about what might happen. And I'm infuriated by everyone who talk about the conflit without ever mentioning the Ukrainians themselves.

Things are still good. I'm balancing Patreon with freelancing, while looking for a full time job. I'll signal if I need to take a break, or move for work, and I'll pause the Patreon then. I'm also curious to hear from you, what did you think of the longer recent stories, which meant less variety? Comments are always nice to read, and I'll answer all questions.



The longer stuff has been great!

Mark Williams

I cannot comment much on current events, mainly because I just don't know what to think about it. Everything is so political these days that I can't trust anything I see on the news. I feel like we are shown only what they want us to see, but that the real reasons and what's actually happening is often hidden from view. I assume at this point that everything we see on TV is part spectacle and part propaganda. It's my understanding that this entire thing is basically about control over oil and gas, which we are essentially going to see as the most valuable resource on the globe soon. When I was younger, if something like this had happened, I might have joined the military in order to try to help and make a difference in the world, but I'm too old now and the military wouldn't take me for a fair number of health reasons, so it's a non starter even thinking about it. As for your Patreon, you were one of the first content creators that I ever supported. I've been with you for quite a while now. The thing that I like about your stories, compared to other content creators, is that you are extremely unpredictable and original. I honestly never quite know what's going to happen next, and you frequently do scene and time skips, leaving a lot of the inbetween information up to the imagination. As I look through my backup folders at your past work, the ones that stick out as my favorites are (in mostly chronological order): Booty Heist - loved the first one, but didn't like the epilogue/sequel as much as I thought I would. Instant Delivery Douchebag Cure, and the sequels Relapse and The Beginning of the End - This storyline is my favorite by far, and basically anything with this character in it. The "this is the BEEeesst" scene in Relapse is one that I've gone back to over and over again as probably my favorite scene from your works. The ending and epilogues to A Friend's Perspective - I really liked the whole concept around self control here. Bad Thunder - I think it was the dysmorphic body changes, plus the tie in to a video game character. I'm not a "huge" fan of Lil' Steel, but for some reason this character struck a chord with me because of the whole, "this body can't exist in the real world," thing. CompeTITion, and its sequel - I really loved how the two sisters played off of each other. A Machine for Guinea Pigs - the two test subjects and how they interacted with each other, plus the changes and how it spread around their body via contact points, were pure gold. Boobs Galore - this entire series of stories was great. Loved how the characters just kept screwing themselves over and never learned. Milf Experience - the transformation and fetish were executed perfectly. Over the Edge - this was basically just a much better version of A Friend's Perspective, and I liked it for the same reasons. Ie. the themes of losing a grip on self control. The Match - for the themes of domination, humiliation, etc.... I really hope you get around to continuing this character's journey some day. I Love You - this was slow to get started, but I really liked part 2 and the epilogue, and again I hope this gets continued eventually. Honourable Mention is The Journey Down - it doesn't make my list, but this had a lot of potential in the beginning. I felt like the ending didn't quite work for me, but I can't say exactly why. I think the cartoonish bimbo she turned into at the end wasn't exactly where I thought the story was going to end up. I thought for some reason this was going to be an anal fetish story of some kind, and that she was going to end up with a normal top half and some sort of really strange lower half which she wouldn't be able to hide her fetish/addiction... and which would just get more and more weird-looking as she went along. Where she ended up seemed more... traditional, than where I initially thought it was going, but it definitely deserves mention in any case. As to where you go next, I feel like anything I suggest wouldn't be half as good as whatever you could come up with. Looking back over my favorites, I can definitely see a pattern to what constitutes my favorite stories: 1. A focused theme on trying to maintain self control, and eventually losing or succumbing to it. Humiliation is a huge bonus. 2. Two or more characters either competing or playing off of each other in some way. 3. Very weird and abnormal changes, and characters sort of spiraling downwards to a point where they can't get by as "normal" in society. Thank you for all the stories, and I hope that you are able to continue working in these troubled times.


Damn, unpredictable is high praise for me! Tried to avoid the "scientist test weird potion" and "summoning gone wrong" tropes as much as possible. Thanks for the research paper, I didn't ask for so much!

Jeroen van den Broek

I don't mind the longer stories too much in principle, but I do feel that a lot of them had similar themes. If you want to have longer stories I very much welcome that, but it would be cool if there was a bit more variety in the themes between two consecutive ones. Two comics with respectively GTS and WG content are closer to one another in TF themes than either one of those and a TG or animal TF story. I think it might be a good idea to think about which themes are close to one another and which are a bit further apart so that you can alternate between themes on opposite ends of that spectrum to make sure that no one ever has to wait very long for something they like. For me personally your more recent content was a bit less interesting (but I'm financially in a situation where I can keep supporting you anyway, so I have) and I would have liked a bit more variety from month to month. You could even alternate between two stories that are going on at the same time like some creators are doing. You might be familiar with KaraComet, who has a similar thing in place where she alternates between different stories between chapters.


I have a shorter take. With you 100% on the failure to talk about the Ukrainian people As to the content, I love the longer stories