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January was a busy month, let's keep the momentum!


Steve Crowson

How about some female weight gain 😁😊 buttons and clothes bursting. Were bbw


Guy buys his gf some big hoop earrings that change her from a frigid, skinny, white girl to a thick, chola who is down to fuck.


Would love to see some Male to pregnant female content in the future! 😉


how about a version of The big snooze cartoon


A women who recieved an invitation to the mansion finally goes to make a wish but doesn't remember what she wished for because she went when she was black out drunk. The only reason she knows something is up is she woke up naked with massive gold hoop earrings, a tattoo that is some writing in spanish on her flat chest she can't read because she is a white girl who never learned Spanish, another tattoo above her pussy that says columbiana, and a third and final tattoo in the form of an odd tramp stamp that says FAKE with a big line through it indicating the opposite if the word is true. As a 22 year, flat every where, 6 foot, blonde, white, almost college graduate, the changes shock and infuriate her. But she knows she must live with them for now because she is about to graduate and doesn't have the time to figure out what happened. A small part of her admires the hoop earrings at least (which she doesn't realize is already part of her wish further kicking in). And then curiosity gets the better of her and she looks up what her chest tattoo means, when she finds it she is flabbergasted once again as to why she would get such a tattoo (it says "milk on tap"). As she finally gets over her bewilderment to that new discovery she starts to get dressed, leaving out a bra since she has always been flat chested and even with the nipple piercings no one can tell, she puts on a normal pair of panties and a nice pair of black dress pants and a white blouse with flat dress shoes. She goes to class (all her classes are high level classes), her first class has a bit of trouble understanding words she normally has no problem with albeit most people would have to google them to be sure (This is the start of her losing her ability to understand English not a i.q. drop). She thinks nothing of it as she figures it's because of her hang over but as she goes to stand up to leave she notices some changes, her no heel dress shoes have turned yellow with one inch heels, her dress pants have turned into capri pants, her shirt changed to spaghetti strap tank top and her panties have become a black thong with the straps on the side clearly visible as they hug above her hips on both sides. She is the only one aware of this and everyone else treats it as if this is how she always is. She rushes to the bathroom to look at herself before her next class and looks in further horror at her reflection. Her frantic dash to the bathroom left her with bright yellow french tip nails (real not fake), her naturally straight blonde hair was now full body loose curls and down to just below her shoulders, and she now noticed she had heavy make up on and..."WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" She notices her crystal blue eyes change to chocolate brown before her eyes (lol pun). She is on the verge of having a mental break down but glances at her big gold hoop earrings and becomes fascinated and enamored by them even more so than this morning. Her 2 minute alarm for class breaks her out of it and she makes it class in time, even though she never wears heels she for some reason was able to not only walk but run in them very easily. Her next class goes just as well as her first except this time its more common place words she is still able to get the general idea of what's going on but much of words are eluding her, she takes what notes she can and as she writes the last of her notes she looks down to check her spelling and sees she wrote down the last sentence in Spanish. "Wait how do I know Spanish? How do I know that's Spanish in the first place?" The last question to her self comes with a slight foreign accent, she covers her mouth at hearing it and says nothing else. The class ends and as she stands up to leave she wobbles, she looks down and just stares at the further changes... her one inch heels are now 4 inch bright yellow stilettos, her capri pants have turned into blue Jean daisy dukes, her shirt is still a spaghetti strap tank top but now it rides up to just above her navel, showing everyone who cares to look her tramp stamp and her tattoo that says columbiana above her pussy. She now has several gold hoop bracelets on both arms and her hair has dark streaks going through it. She frantically takes her things and as she leaves she notices she isn't eye level with the lecture halls door window anymore, which she can't understand because she now has four inch heels on so she... "I'm shorter now too?!?!?!" She rushes to her next class (all 5 foot 6 inches of herself) not completely acknowledging the fact she is moving even more gracefully in her higher heels now than she did before in flats, she even has a seductive sway to her non existant hips which is hard to ignore. She sits down at her next lecture more now by memory than anything else seeing as if she had tried to read the name of the class she wouldn't have been able to. She takes this time in her seat to calm herself and as the class starts she asserts to herself everything is fine. But as soon as the class starts she is confused as to the language being spoken and written on the board she raises her hand to ask what class this is but all that comes out is her now thick Colombian accent in full spanish. She is horrified once again, she understands what she asked but not what the furious professor is saying but understands when he points from the door to her that she is being kicked from class. What she doesn't realise is its because she no longer is a student at her college as her reality continues to conform to her wish and she was trespassing and was told to leave. As the door is slammed and locked behind her she notices another height change first, she remembers being able at least be eye level with the writing in the building's front entrance but now she is more in between that and the handle. As she looks down to asses what the hell else is happening she notes her heels are now bright yellow 6 inch stilettos with open toe front showing off her bright yellow painted toe nails (she is now 5 foot flat), her daisy dukes haven't changed style but they are now extremely baggy, if not for her belt they would have fallen off (this is her clothes getting bigger to accommodate her incoming curves), she notes aswell that her now bright yellow panties have gone from form fitting to once again only being held up by her belt, the visible straps on the side are hanging loosely on either side of her shorts and ever so slightly does it feel smoother on her pussy (forever naturally bald pussy), notices a slight softness to her stomach, nothing extreme but she used to be flat and toned so she definitely noticed, her spaghetti strap tank top has now changed to a frilly blouse version, so before it was a regular midriff, now it billows out, she still has spaghetti straps but the are accompanied by bare shoulder short sleeves. The bottom of the shirt is now just below her rib cage which would have alarmed her but with all the extra fabric in the bust area it actually appears to cover her navel for the moment (again clothes making room for curves). As she gets closer to the glass doors she sees a choker around her neck and her once blonde hair had gone completely dark brown as she is drawn to her face area because of her hair she notices her hoop earrings again and becomes entranced. She snaps out of it again when campus security tells her in English ( which is no a foreign language to her ) to leave. She doesn't understand but the guard switches to Spanish as he frequents the foreign language department for his crush on the Spanish teacher, so while in the biology department with Chloe ( sorry I never said her name Chloe Stevenson ) he is able to relay to her she must leave in broken spanish because she is trespassing. She agrees to leave and makes it to the parking lot to her Yukon, getting as if this had always been her SUV even though she drove to campus in a mustang convertible. As she gets to the gate guard she hands him her I.D. he looks at her oddly and she puts a big smile on to be friendly, slightly worried from his reaction to her i.d. he hands it back to her and as she is about to put it in her purse she can't understand what happened. The i.d. handed back to her no longer has her name on it. It says Rosa Urquidez, and the girl in the picture looks nothing like her self image (which is what she looked like this morning). The girl in the picture is very much Colombian in ethnicity down to her caramel skin. She has these big pillow lips that look perfect for blow jobs which she is concerned that's were her mind went as she is normally conservative, (again these look and are natural lips), her smile is more of a sexy pout and if it had been a full body picture she would have seen the rest of the girls curves but all she can see past her shoulders is her massive JJ breasts filling her top out completely. She knows it's all breast because the top wouldn't be normally see through but with her massive tits it is partially and her caramel flesh topped with dark caramel areolas and nipples are very much on display. She decides to try and question the guard as to who's I.D. it is but it's in vain as he can't understand her and continues to give her back the same identification. Amidst the arguing she looks further at the photo I.D. and with a sunken heart realizes this is hers. What confirms it for her is the blouse is her current blouse she is wearing just all stretched out, the big gold hoop earrings, and the nipple piercings, but what confirms it for her is the tattoo on the women's chest reading "milk on tap" if you understood spanish which she was very much fluent in now. She drives back to her apartment or the place she remembered her apartment was at. In its place is a run down apartment building in comparison to where she used to live ( think very upper crust turned to middle class almost lower class). She recognizes it as her own some how and proceeds to go to her place that she now shares with her boyfriend (white guy name Ben Wallace) instead of them both having over priced places of their own (which was the reality before her wish). Ben is home after his music gig (shes a ride or die Colombian bitch or she will be soon), and greets her with very white Spanish, she grins and kisses him as he always was adorable speaking Spanish to her. She decides she wants to make him his favorite food pb&j with a glass of milk. She had to learn how to make the sandwhich for him as she only knew how to name spanish food before meeting him as she recalls matter of factly now (by the way in her new reality she and her family immigrated from Columbia, hence legal citizen but still super colombian). As she is grabbing the ingredients for his sandwhich she pauses a moment to note her thighs are jiggling ( which being a skinny white girl before she never jiggled anywhere before ). She touches them and notices they are still firm but definitely have some fat to them. After finishing grabbing the ingredients she starts to make his sandwhich, she has to pause because she notices a drip down her thigh upon closer inspection the crotch of her shorts is soaked, she delicately touches the area and her knees buckle from her orgasm. She pulls herself back up but now in a bent over posture seeing her boyfriend watch t.v. as she peers over the counter. The sight of him seals the deal and her immense arousal for her boyfriend (as a Colombian girl she has always had a thing for whit guys) cause her to start masturbating furiously by shoving her left hand inside her shorts moving aside her thong and fingering herself, her right hand moves up to her currently immensely flat chest and moves under her blouse and starts kneading her still small bright pink areola/nipples. (I know her orientation is weird now but basically she has her shoulders up resting on the counter top as she eyeballs her boyfriend). As she masturbates the final changes begin. Her currently extremely baggy pants begin to fill out, the belt holding them up not being necessary in the future vanishes, it starts with her legs which continue to fill out as she fingers herself closer to another orgasm. The leg openings to her shorts which use to resemble parachute like bagginess are now very snug to her truly impressive thighs now, they jiggle more now but with a clear naturally tone to them that says "I do squats". Now that her thighs are done the changes begin on her currently unnoticeable ass. Her face is in pure ecstacy once her ass starts to grow because it triggered her to almost edging status with her upcoming orgasm, as she continues to use two fingers to get knuckle deep each trust inside causes a growth spurt in her ass. Bigger and bigger it grows until the seat of her pants are very much snug to her butt cheeks. Her butt is now perfect for twerking as she remembers she use to practice for when she would eventually get a boyfriend. One final thrust and she creamed herself solidifying her lower bodies measurements with one final touch. As she came down from her orgasm her left hand that was previously fingering herself touched back on her pussy briefly and noticed that it was now very puffy and even tighter than before ( both are a natural state for her now ). Knowing she was still extremely horny but hadn't given much attention to her chest she decided sit on the floor with the counter between her and her boyfriend still watching T.v. but now assuming along to a new song he is making. In her new position she sat legs spread comfortably now that her fat ass was a pillow basically. She lifted her shirt in such that the front was over her head but the rest was still on. She noticed that her right hand had been doing a good job of massaging as her non existent breasts, or at least her chest area was very much warm and reddish from the constant rubbing and tugging she had been doing to her tiny pink nipples and areolas. Using her own juices on her left hand to lubricate her chest she began to knead her nipples with both her hands now ( both on hands on the respective sides nipple ) as she starts kneading her nipples and begining her next orgasm journey, she stares openly at her own chest as she feels her nipples start to puff up, more and more with her incessant groping until they start to flatten before her eyes. But not back to before the puffing up of her nipples recedes into her areolas becoming larger as well as her nipples until they resemble the ones on the girl in her I.d. that she knew all to well she was becoming now, albeit hey nipples were still very much pink and her ethnicity and complexion still very much that of a white girls. Once they settled to their new size her nipples once again began to become puffy as she moved ever closer to her third orgasm. She momentarily reached down and collected some juice from her fat pussy lips to lubricate her massaging even more. The puffiness to her nipples keeping permanently now she noticed her hands were starting to be filled up with more than just her nipples, she had been flat all her life... wait no that's not right she was flat until 14 but then filled out to her impressive JJ cup natural tits when she hit 18. So with her previous lifes brief wonderment and joy if finally having her own at least A cup breasts jiggling in her hands her new reality said these weren't her breasts because they needed to be much bigger to be hers. But the they stayed at A cups until she had the flash back of her mom explaining to her when she was younger the women in her family have always been able to produce copious amounts of milk upon reaching their 19th birthday and that's the reason for their extremely gifted size of their chests. Even with the flash back nothing changed until she noticed the sensitivity in her chest ramping up, more and more until get nipples were glorified clitori. And that's when a massive orgasm hit hit her. Each wave of orgasm left a shudder through her and and with each shudder more chest flesh jiggled back. More and more boobage was filling up her tightly pressed hands that resigned to simply cupping the under of each breast as more tit flesh jiggled into existence. This went on until she truly had the JJ natural breasts she knew she always had. Leaving her top as it was and now leaving her pants unbuttoned and unzipped, partly because she didn't care if they were disheveled at home and partly because the pants were difficult to completely do up. She stood back up and continued making his sandwhich. While making it she glanced over at the empty milk glass and recognized unconconciously that that shouldn't be the case even to the point of feeling uncomfortable that it was empty as if one of her lifes purposes was to fill it with milk. And so her body finally responded in kind as she was cutting the crust off of his sandwhich her bright pink nipples which had been on display (her bare titflesh was visible too as she was still topless), her nipples began to darken swirling outward until both her areolas were a much darker shade of pink but still pink. As they finished their hue change the tops of her hands tending to his sandwhich became wet she regarded this licked the substance and immediately recognized it as her own breast milk. She proceeded to stop with the sandwhich and take the empty drinking glass over to the sink and proceded to alternating hand milk herself into the glass until it was filled till the brim, a good bit if milk finding its way down the drain as well. She walked back over to the counter with the filled glass in hand boobs jiggling all the way and proceded to finish making the sandwhich. Bringing the sandwhich on its plate and the glass of milk to her boyfriend who happily smiled to his loving girlfriend blocking the view of their t.v. with her fat ass and still dripping massive tits. He put down his guitar and took the meal from her and proceded to eat and drink until it was all gone. She stood there the whole time beaming with a heartfelt smile with her boyfriend enjoyment of the food she prepared and the milk she "made herself". Upon finished he looked up her butt before he could say anything she had moved the coffee table that had been sitting in front if him to the side with the empty glass and plate and looked at him seductively. She proceded to start caressing herself and strip teasing with what was left of the clothes she still had on to music she had playing on their stereo with remote that had been on to off the coffee table. She squeezed and played with her expansive chest and sensually rubbed her stomach that now had a motherly ponch to it even though hadn't had kids yet and wasn't pregnant ( and wouldn't be until they decided to get married as she was on contraceptive) and then moved to her shorts were she then turned around and with considerable effort inched off her ass which proceded to jiggle ridiculously when she finally got them off. Her now tight thong hugged her large womanly hips with its straps but as that was removed too the only articles of clothing she kept on where her bright yellow 6 inch stilettos and her big gold hoop earrings. She brought the coffee table back only so she could bend over and present her ready and waiting snatch to her boyfriend with her hands braced on the table for support. He proceded to take his cock out and fill his womans tight pussy with his rather large slightly upward curved dick. As she was being plowed from behind her massive tits slapped back and forth. She was biting her lip to prevent her from crying out but once her boyfriend grabbed on to get tits and started squeezing them while fucking her she couldn't take it anymore. She cried out in Spanish, and that was the final straw. Between her exclamations of "si papi" and "iii carico" (alternating between the two over and over), the final changes began. Her face became more and more ethnic until it was distinctively Colombian, her skin began to darken more and more until it was very much columbiana caramel, her pouty lips that had her tongue lolled out became caramel in color. The last of the changes were reserved to her pink pussy and still pink but darker with milk nipples and areola. It was when her boyfriend had finally name inside her as he always does (unless she asks for it on her tits or her ass or pretty much anywhere on her) that they finally changed to. Her puffy pussy lips now spilling some of his cum from her tight vagina became darker and darker and darker until they were definitely darker than her rich caramel skin but still very much colombiana caramel, and her nipples finally resembled the ones on her I.D. as they darkened too to their final deep caramel color now spewing quite a lot of milk from her mutual orgasm and his constant kneading of her breasts during coitus. And in that moment she remembered what she drunkenly wished for while at the Eris Manor. She wished to be truly happy. And she was because her and her boyfriend would continue this way, loving each other completely body and soul. (Meanwhile at the Manor) "I'm a sucker for genuine intention wishes, what can I say" was the remark made by the man behind the desk as his two faithful assistants looked at him questioningly in regards to why he would give her exactly what she wanted without backfire. THT END


Okay... so I got carried away a little.


But if you would do me the honor of reading it and telling me what you think I would appreciate it.


Again sorry for the wall of text but I genuinely hope you like it.


A mum wants her son to do well at university so hires a private tutor for him. Her wish is that when being taught by the tutor the son will get a reward each time he gets a question correct. Wish backfires when the son chooses the reward in question is for the tutor to get more curvy / hourglass. Tutor keeps trying to teach whilst slowly growing out of her clothes.


Now I know what the big snooze is, but I still have no idea what you mean.