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You know the drill, you can request ANYTHING, I'll be the judge on how to bring it to 3D! These can be sequences, but I can't promise I'll have time for all of them.




Bimbo spray can part 3, the spray wielder ( our protagonist from 1 & 2) uses the spray on a stuck up lecturer in class.


A guy finds a magic wand that lets him change ppls bodys at will like breast, ass,hip, penis expansion. also with furry and multiple breast just random transformations and lots of sex :)

Alpha 01

A guy picks up a pair of bookish glasses in a local library and is transformed into a sultry, red headed librarian that doesnt mind helping patrons out.

A cooper

How bout a online chat room which turns people into their personas?


A voodoo doll (Halloween related?). A woman gets various body parts changed / inflated via a voodoo doll which is being used by a secret admirer. Once the transformation is complete the admirer keeps touching the voodoo doll to get her uncontrollably horny so she cannot resist the admirers advances (against her better judgement?).


guy into a fat chick


Male hooker gets cursed by a trans plastic surgeon and turns into a transgender hooker.


People being changed into their "ironic" Halloween costumes.


Ugly girl who gets called names for her looks wishes to be beautiful but now she gets catcalled for her looks


Kinda made a similar one already (shyliz): <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/requests-may-11184835">https://www.patreon.com/posts/requests-may-11184835</a> you can still post another one!