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Ash/Satoshi, who has recently earned the Pokemon master title after being the champion of champions, it's currently facing the worst scenario possible...
Jessie and James started their last attempt to steal Pikachu. They knew they didn't even have a chance. They have failed hundred and hundred of times. Maybe it's time to move on?
They challenged him to a last battle. This time, no tricks, just a normal battle. However, Satoshi wondered how would It feel to be smashed under their boots. How would jessie's feet smell or how would james socks taste... That though was his end, in a second, he lost...
Prepare for trouble! I have to say I expected more from the ultimate champion. It seems he likes something more than Pokemon... If you just wanted our feet... You should have just told us- jessie said smashing her foot into Satoshi's face.
And make it double! This is your ultimate end! At last, you fall to us... But I didnt expect you to sucumb to our feet! Jessie, do you know what time is it? Payback time! Lets give this loser a good beatdown while we steal every Pokemon from him -said James, rising up her foot over Satoshi's body.
Satoshi recieved a complete beatdown. He had never experienced such humiliation before. He was trampled, smacked and spat on until he was flattened like a carpet.
Oh jessie come here, lets make out to celebrate our triumph!! - laugh and said james while twisting his soles on Satoshi's groin
Hmm~ oh at last~ smooch~ you down there! Stick your tongue out! This is your fate from now on! Lick our tired soles from beating you! - added Jessie
From now on, noone knew anything more about the champion. His fate ended up at last between team rocket hands... Or feet.
The couple cucked him everyday. He was no more than a slave. A properly for them
One day, they forced him to say a final goodbye to his Pikachu... But from the ground of course.
With tears in his cheeks, he was forced to see their masters feet coming right to him, slowly. James was smiling and Rising his middle finger. Jessie was enjoying the moment laughing at him. They did a victory pose. From now on, they will be the winners, and Satoshi Will be the one watching.




Glad this isn't a game over screen in any of the games, or I would never complete any of them. Been doing a bit of playing with character.ai and you can get some good content similar to this.


Ohh I feel you! I wish I had the knowledge to make a game so I could implement them. Maybe one day! Meanwhile, I'll write tons of stories for You all to enjoy 💕