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[breeder.trm] MODULE SELECTED

"Uh, Danny...? Did you press someth-nngh..."

Glancing over at the low beep and gentle whine of the headgear coming to life, Charlie's words are cut off by the Training Chair. Thoughts rush through his mind, although they don't originate from his own psyche, and it's hard to grab onto any single idea.

For his part, Danny just watches his friend squirm, as he glances down at the console in front of him. From what he can tell, there's no actual control going on here, just... training. Though what the result will be, he's not too sure.

Well, he's got some idea.

As the program runs, another apparatus unfolds at the base of the chair, between Charlie's legs - and a faux phallus extends from the centre of it, moving up to point directly at his distinctly feminine crotch.

It seem that the training will have a physical component as well...


(In case you didn't see on the Discord, a new chapter of The Human Doll™ Program has been posted!)

Oh boy, that sure looks uncomfortable! Don't worry, Charlie's having fun in there. Or they will be any moment now, at least.

And with a landslide, the breeder option won! No doubles this time.

On the topic of polls, I've looked over the results of the survey I posted a few weeks ago (which is still open, so feel free to fill it out if you haven't already), and found some interesting results. Thank you again for those that took part, I got loads of responses!

With little surprise, TG is the most popular fetish, closely followed by transformation and then humiliation themes. Most of the themes I asked about got more positive than negative results - except for furry/anthro themes, which seemed unpopular, and NTR/Cuckold was split pretty much down the middle.

Everything else had at least twice as many people in favour as against, and while I won't let the results dictate what I do, I will definitely take them into account.

Regarding the other questions, it seems that most people are in favour of Abandoned Lab, which I'm pleased to hear! But I understand that some people don't like it, or are indifferent, to which I say that this doesn't really detract from my other writing. I often use it as a warm up, and the renders themselves take place while I'm doing other stuff. Usually reading before bed.

I also heard a lot of lovely things from people, and loads of valuable feedback, so I really do want to say how grateful I am for all of your support. It means a hell of a lot to me, and even if I can't always respond to everything, please know that I'm listening when you tell me things.

Basically, thank you all for everything! I'm going to keep on making my smut, and I hope that you continue to enjoy it with me!



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