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Added two versions of the POV vid in verticle aspect ratios (in 9:16 and 9:19) - please tell me which one looks better!!!

加了兩條第一人稱的差分的縱型版 (9:16 和 9:19的) - 請告訴我那個較好看!

2つの縦型動画(一人称視点差分)を追加しました (9:16 と 9:19の) - どっちがいいか教えてください!


The alt versions for [Genshin] Souvenir are finished and uploaded, please check the posts in the "All works" collection for the links!

[原神] Souvenir 的差分已經完成了, 請參閱"All works"帖子的連結!

[原神] Souvenir の差分はついに完成しました!是非各"All links"投稿のリンクからチェックしてください!




Hello, well both 9:16 and 9:19 are good to be honest, if I have to choose, I think I prefer 9:16. Also, good work!