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  • Furina short WIP 1.mp4




It would seem that the latest video, "Mondstadt Onsen Festival", turned out to be quite popular huh? It sure wans't easy creating all those scenes in such a (relatively) short period of time - but without the self-imposed pressure, I don't think I would have made breakthroughs in the animating process. Same goes to the SFX design too: the SFX pack (free version) from LeHornySFX was very easy to use, such that even for an amateur like me, I was able to make good plaping and slushing sounds.

Voice-wise, I believe this is the first time I used voice lines that were NOT from Koikatsu - so huge thanks to LamiVA for the voice pack as well. Speaking of, maybe it is time to actually look for VAs to voice my videos...

As for the next video, it is going to be a completely different format and style to the last one wwww - it will be pure love, 1v1 between Aether and Furina. For this purpose, I have once again modified the great card creator マキス's Furina to be a little thicker on the lower half, and replaced one of the outfits with what you see above. To be honest I don't have a plan for the video yet - I'll just keep creating scenes and see what I can come up with. Please take a look here/see attachment to see what I've made now.

That's it for now, please take care and have a good week - and start planning for Christmas now!!!

最新的影片好像蠻受歡迎的呢 - 在這麼(相對上)短時間内做那麼多的場景確實不易,但沒有給自己施加壓力的話,在做動作的方面應該不會有所進步的。音效方面也如是: LeHornySFX的音效包很容易用,就連我這種業餘的也能做出好聽的音效。

音聲方面,這是第一次用了戀活以外的人聲來配 - 這也是LamiVA的音聲包所賜。也許是時候要找聲優來配音了...

進入正題:以最新的影片來說,下一條影片的風格和題材方面都是大相逕庭的wwww - 將會是空哥與芙寧娜單對單的純愛作品。我把マキス大佬的芙寧娜修改了一點,把下盤的肉調多了一點,和把其中一套服飾換成了以上的。老實說我還不清楚要把影片做成怎樣的,一邊做動作一邊想吧。請於這裡/附件看現時的進度。

先談到這裡,希望你這周也過得愉快 - 還有不要忘記開始計劃聖誕節的活動了!!!



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